Sunday, June 25, 2023

Whim 1: Wisteria Hysteria

Welcome. My nest is lined with unfinished projects, because of whim projects that pop into my bird brain.  This is one of them.

Whim Project Disclaimer:
The items made in "Whim Project" posts are subject to never being completed, or being an absolute smash and developed into a full blown pattern or viral sensation. Individual results will vary. 

******Whim 1:  Wisteria Hysteria******
This frilly goodness is the final evolution of my Wisteria journey. It all started with the image below, or at least the scarf portion. 

When I need to get out of my mind for a while, I look for tutorials to follow on YouTube. Sometimes it's refreshing to listen and follow instruction...let someone else do the thinking. I guess it's a sort of guided meditation for me.

I came across a tutorial for a gorgeous leaf lace strip, and chose it. The video is in a language I don't speak, but I rather enjoy the challenge. Crochet is it's own language, after all.  I just followed, stitch by stitch, visually. The creator of the tutorial was kind enough to add English caption of stitch count and stitch type in the top corner, bless her.  

The tutorial for the leaf lace strip

I used a size 4 yarn and a K 6.5mm hook, and followed the video in all other ways, but one. Where there is a chain 10 at the edges, I chained 8, only because the gap was larger than I wanted using the larger yarn.

After I had myself a great crochet meditation session, I was left with a beautiful lace scarf.  A lace scarf I decided needed flowers. Onwards, to Pintrest. There I fell in love with the tunnel of Wisteria at the Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Kitakyushu, Japan.  My Mamaw had some lovely Wisteria bushes, covered with bumble bees, so it struck a cord with my nostalgia...but also a little panic thinking of all the bees those blooms, and their tourists are covered with.

I grabbed some yarn in the appropriate shades of purple and green, and got to fidgeting. 

I attached my green yarn to chain spaces at the base of the leaf motifs, and chained 13. I single crocheted back up for a total of 12 single crochet. Cut and tied the two tails together. I attached my purple to the top single crochet and started to form the flower.  I worked over all three tails so there'd be no pesky sewing them in later.

Now, I've made many flowers with different sorts of petals, so I just experimented until I had the cupped shape I wanted. I also knew I wanted the flower to corkscrew like the wind screws that I've seen around the interwebs, but haven't gotten around to making myself. 

I start each petal with a slip stitch, a chain one short of what the next stitch usually calls for (ch 2 instead of 3 for a double crochet for example). Just placing 4 stitches into the same space was giving me a flat petal, but if I worked 2 of them together at the top, then the other two together, it cupped the petal at the top, leaving it nice and wide towards the base. Another short chain and slip stitch all into the same single crochet, and there's a petal. 

I worked the top ones using Double Treble crochet, then after a few moved down to double crochet. For the very last petals I chained one, 4 half double crochet, chain 1, then slip stitched. The very last single crochet got a chain 6, then slip stitch to make a loop. I figured I could add a bead or whatnot to this if it needed some weight to bring out the spiral. 

That was the scarf finished, but I wanted more flowers! So, I made some on chains, then I made longer ones.  Then I picked them all up and decided they needed to be stitched together in a cluster.  So I did. Then added curly vines to the top, and another chain 6 loop. So far that is the end of this whimsy project. 

I think they are pretty sweet.  The scarf isn't mine, obviously, but the flowers grew out of my brain. I'll work on a pattern or picture tutorial for my shop, I think.

Thanks for letting me ramble. Have a good evening. Be kind, be curious, be shiny.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Thin Chair Cushions

My parents are moving into the house across the street from me. Their home of over 30 years is too much for them to take care of and a bit far for me to visit and help out every day. I've got my own house I can't keep up with, after all.

We're trying to start them over with as clean a slate as we can. New couch, new beds and matress, and a new dining set. As frugally as possible, of course. 

I found an inexpensive table and chair set online, dumped it out of the box, and eventually got the giant thousand- piece-puzzle put together.  The butt cushion is firm, but comfortable, but the back is made of very cold, very hard metal bars. The seat of the chair isn't very deep, so I didn't think your traditional tufted chair cushion would work. You'd be literally sitting on the edge of your seat.

I thought about a chair cover made from fabric, but if I could feel the bars through my t-shirt, that wasn't going to be good enough either. I needed something thicker and dove into my yarn stash to see if crochet was the answer. (Side note: Crochet is almost always the answer.) I surfaced with an off-white ball of thick, squishy blanket yarn that once had a dream to become a moon pillow. 

First I tried a square motif with a 3D flower sticking off of it.  It looked nice, but was lumpy to lean on. I then tried a basic granny square, but it turned out too basic, and a little wonky.  I wanted something fancier so I did a search for lace squares.  Finally I found a motif that wasn't too busy or too basic....just right, Goldilocks. 

This is the final result and the resources I used.
The yarn I used was Bernat Blanket in the color Birch. The hook was a 9.00mm or M.

The YouTube tutorial I followed was by the brilliant NotikaLand Crochet and Knitting. Video titled "CROCHET EASY Crochet Granny Square Lace Motif #4 for beginners" Motif Tutorial Link

A simple chain stitch cord probably would have been fine, but I wanted the ties to be soft and squishy too. I found this genius YouTube tutorial by GratiaProject titled "Crochet Cord Tutorial | Simple,  Fast, Easy" Crochet Cord Tutorial. This is how I'll be doing all of my cords from now on. It takes a little forethought in planing for how long you need the finished cord to be, but so much easier than removing loops from your hook the way other crochet cords are done. 

Simple little crochet project, but fit the need perfectly. I think it looks pretty classy too.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Sidetracked again, already.

Sidetracking is ok, as long as it leads to something that amuses you. Yeah?

Don't know when I'll get around to finding a pot and plant to fulfill my vision of this collared planter cozy, but this Mason jar and fake succulent should be example enough for now.
I'm picturing a high collar, Dracula style. Or like one found around the neck of a fancy Elizabethan royal. But, for my plants.

I'm crazy, I'm sure. You can picture it, right?

Where the head and face would be if it were a bust of a person, replaced by a potted plant.  I'm thinking a Venus Flytrap with Dracula-esq style. Something with frilly white flowers backed by a noble woman's collar.

Who knows when this idea will finally bloom.

Now back to finishing what this rectangle of knitting machine fabric was trying to be before it gave me Transylvanian Count vibes.

Which is this....a tissue or wet wipes holder. Less amusing, more practical. 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Let's try this Blogging thing again..

This page has been a desolate wasteland.  My intentions were to post finished projects, maybe tips and clarifications for my patterns...and of course promote my Etsy and push patterns.  

Finishing stuff is hard. Especially when I'm holding myself to higher standards than I'm capable of achieving. I'm not a professional, I can't begin to pretend to be a professional. I'm a scatter brained woman with the attention span of a crow. I come up with an idea and Have to see if it'll work, NOW.  This has given me a lot of awesome projects I want to share, but very few projects finished, written up, and nicely presented.

My Instagram is a testament to that.  From oldest to most recent, we've got:

Goth Moth doilie (not finished)
Cauldron mixer cozy (wasn't satisfied)
Geode mixer cozy (forgotten about)
Coffee mixer cozy (finished)
Luna Moth hanging (not finished)
Star garland (finished)
Star and moon garland (not finished)
Bat stitch wrap (not finished)
Star curtains (not finished)
Cauldron mixer cozy (finally finished)
Cape Serene shawl (not finished)
Crescent Dreams pillows (finished!)
Doilies on wire (not finished)
Round cushion (not finished)
Rose pillow (not finished)
Tombstone pillows (not finished)
Cookie mixer cozy (finished)
Webbed windows throw (not finished)
Snow Flurry garland (finished)
Folksy Fir Fresheners (finished)
Furry critter (not finished)
And then I got myself a knitting machine........
Knot pillow (not finished)
Fidget scarf (not finished, but almost)

Those are the projects captured in pictures, there's others in the works, like a berry basket mixer cozy and a textured spider to go with the webbed windows square. 

Maybe seeing this list will help me get my squirrels in a row.

I'm done waiting for myself to be totally satisfied with the finished project. I'm going to start using this blog to record the crafting process, not just the ta-da at the end.

I'll leave you with this, my assistant, Moki inspecting a Fidget Scarf, and then checking the quality of a large Crescent Dreams pillow done up with black velvet yarn.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Pattern for Crescent Dreams is Finally Available

The pattern download for Crescent Dreams is finally available in my Etsy!  I know it's been a long time coming. 
Etsy Listing for Crescent Dreams Pattern

I wanted to make sure I explained my process clearly and get the picture tutorial nice and neat. I think I have, I hope I have...But I can wait no longer.  It lives!! Or at least it's published. 

I hope you'll give it a try and let me know how it turns out. If you don't crochet or don't want to add this pattern to your endless list of "to make" projects.  Check my Etsy shop for finished and ready to ship pillows.

The pillow uses a stitch called Linked Double Crochet. It's not hard, but it isn't among the basic crochet stitches beginners are taught.

You can substitute Double Crochet for the Linked Double Crochet in this project. The fabric of the pillow will have larger gaps between stitches, but the shape will be the same.  The Linked Double Crochet stitch closes up the gaps and creates a more solid fabric.

You will need lots of stitch markers to make this. It's very important to keep the shape of the moon curving where it should. You don't have to get fancy, of course.  Use scraps of yarn tied loosely.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Under a Neon Moon

I'll start by saying, this is definitely a work in progress.  I'm not sure if I can write up a pattern for it, but I'll try. There's a lot of stitch markers involved.
With flash.
Without flash.

This neon moon is kind of a rough draft. The yarn I used is I Love This Yarn NEONS in the color Dark Neons. I don't recommend working in a well lit space for this yarn. Dim lighting is key, I was seeing colors weird for hours. 

It doesn't seem to photograph well either, though with flash gives you an idea of what it looks like under florescent lights.

It starts as a wonky circle with increases at certain points.
Then you fold it over, like so.
Then add a border, stuffing it before you close it up all the way.

I free handed, (free formed?) A few moon pillows, just trusting my ability to keep count. I must say, it worked out much better this time. With loads of stitch markers and counting nearly every stitch, I was only off by one stitch at the end. I'm rather proud of myself (and extremely surprised).

Next I plan to make one in velvet. Which is actually what started this entire endeavor.  I want black velvet moon pillows for my bedroom.  I looked everywhere for a pattern I liked with no luck. So, I grabbed some scrap yarn and started to see what I could figure out. 

I thought just adding extra increases at the top and bottom of a circle would give me what I was looking for. That turned out more like a crab claw. And the double crochets left more of a gap between stitches than I wanted in a pillow.
A strange, alien moon...

A little experimenting with increases at certain points gave me the moon shape I was looking for. I also used a tighter stitch, the linked double crochet.
I like the way it works up in stripes.  Both of those are in Loops and Threads Barsalona. I forget the color names.

It's been a process, it ain't over yet.  I'll try to get it written out, or at least a step by step tutorial for those who might also want a moon pillow. I rather enjoy making these, and may put a few up in my Etsy eventually. 

Just thought I'd share what I've been working on and a bit of the process. Have a lovely day.


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Bewitchin' in The Kitchen

I've been cooking up something spooky.  I finally got the pattern finished and up for sale in my Etsy.

I've discovered that this cozy is not only a great place to keep my mixing tools hidden away, but also a great place to squirrel away some candy for myself. 

October is flying by way too fast. I feel like I haven't been able to savor my favorite time of the year, and it's almost over. That's the real scare this Halloween. 

This mixer cozy isn't my first I've designed, but it's the first one I'm showing off here. I've got a coffee cup, and a chocolate chip cookie dough bowl written up and available for download on Etsy. I've got more planned out, a few already made.  I just need to sit down and put the patterns together. 
I'm so happy with how it turned out.   I made one last year, but I didn't like it much.  I'll show you anyway. 
Not enough eye of newt, I suppose. Much more pleased with my new one.

I hope your Halloween is full of treats, with enough tricks to keep it interesting.   If you're like me and need something spooky to listen to, I've got a few recommendations for podcasts. You can find them by searching for them in a podcast app if you've already got one. Otherwise I'll link to their main pages. I listen to true crime as well, but this is just a list for the fictional monsters. 

I listen to lots, but I'll keep my recommendations to 3 at a time. No particular order, I love so many.

NOCTURNAL TRANSMISSIONS: I'm not yelling at you, it's how it's done. This fella's voice is something spectral. He reads a lot of classics too. You can find his offerings on YouTube as well.

Wrong Station: Very twilight zone in my opinion.

13 Days of Halloween: Grab your best set of earbuds for this one. Kind of a dark comedy. Stories are told to you while you're given a tour of a mysterious manor house.

Happy haunting, lovelies.